About Us

The Jewish Cultural Society of Yukon

The Jewish Historical Society of Yukon was originally formed in 1997, in response to the discovery of the Jewish Cemetery in Dawson City, Yukon, Canada. The mandate of the Historical Society was to clean, restore, and rededicate the cemetery, to which was added the task of researching who was buried in the cemetery. After celebrating the completion of this task, we thought our work was done. However, 15 years later our community in Whitehorse grew in numbers and interest in the research was reignited.

The Jewish Cultural Society was created in 2012, with an expanded mandate to bring together the Jewish community to share our culture, to celebrate the High Holidays and Passover together, and to hold social gatherings. From the get-go, the society also dedicated efforts to discover more information about the Jews of the Gold Rush. The stories we unearthed were indeed enthralling, and we decided to create a travelling historical display (see below) to share them. That display travelled the country, and then in 2024 we published a book titled “The Jewish Presence in the Yukon - Before, During, and After the Klondike Gold Rush.”



The book has been distributed to Jewish Archives, Libraries, Jewish Historical Associations, JCC’s, Museums, and others throughout the country. If you would like a copy of the book please go to the Contact Us page and send us a message by filling out the form at the bottom of the page. The cost of a book is $20.00 plus shipping.

Front cover

Back Cover

Our Gatherings: 

Bat Mitzvah:

On August 31st, 2024 we celebrated the Bat Mitzvah of Una Reta Sorochan. The ceremony was directed by Cantor Ben Silverberg by Zoom. Cantor Silverberg 

was in Toronto and we were here in Whitehorse at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre connected with the Cantor by a super large screen. As you can see from the 

pictures below there were a lot of family members that came to Whitehorse to be with Una’s parents Clare, Steven, Una and her brother and sister (.     ).

It was a wonderful service and Una did an amazing job - Mazel Tov Una!

Steve, Clare, Una and the kids 

Cantor Silverberg on the big screen leading the service from Toronto  

Moma Clare with the Bat Mitzvah girl who was reading a Torah section  

The Party that evening 

Rosh Hashana: 

Pictures from Rosh Hashana 5785, Yukon (Sept. 2024):

Pictures from Rosh Hashana 5784 BBQ at Wolf Creek Campground, Yukon (Sept. 2023):

Pictures from Rosh Hashana 5783 BBQ at Wolf Creek Campground, Yukon (Sept. 2022):

Creating the Traveling Historical Display:

As we researched the history of the Jewish presence during the Klondike Gold Rush, we discovered that around 200 Jews had arrived in Dawson City during that time. Our curiosity got the better of us as we asked: how did they get to the Gold Rush, what did they do during their stay in Dawson City, and what happened to them after they left. These formed the three focal points of the historical display, which we are happy and proud to share.

The historian Dr. Brent Slobodin conducted extensive research, and created the traveling display. The travelling exhibition is comprised of three panels, shown below, a booklet replete with fascinating stories, and a video of us finding, restoring, and the rededicating ceremony of the cemetery (is available on the Jewish Cemetery page). Once completed the display travelled the country and it got national attention.


Dr. Brent Slobodin supervising the production of the panels.

Brent & Rick at the McBride Museum, Whitehorse, Yukon.

The 3 panels of the Traveling Historical Display:

‘Click on the panel to expand it and be able to read the contents.

1. Gold Fever Strikes,

2. During the Gold Rush,

3. After the Gold Rush. 


Currently we have a weekly email that goes out to our members every Friday, and it includes news, events and the "Parashat Hashavua - פרשת השבוע" which is the weekly Torah reading.

Soon our Membership page will include the opportunity to subscribe to additional newsletter types:

Read about us in the Canadian Jewish News:

Calendar of High Holidays 2024:

Purim March 23 - 24

Passover April 22 - 30

Shavuot June 11 - 13

Rosh Hashanah October 2 - 4

Yom Kippur October 11 - 12

Sukkot (First Days) October 16 - 23

Simchat Torah October 23 - 25

Chanukah December 25 - January 2, 2025

Educational Opportunities - Contact Us

As we develop our website, we will continue to share the weekly Parsha, as we have been doing, and provide links to National Associations for those who want to keep up-to-date, or just explore what is going on across the country.